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Can't Install Parallels Tools For Mac Dvd

Step 2: On the next screen (Parallels Wizard), click on 'Install Windows or another OS from DVD or image file' [see image at bottom of this post] and then click on Continue. Step 3: Insert a new, freshly acquired from Apple, Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server Install DVD into your optical drive and be sure that 'Install from' has your optical drive's.

I keep my Parallels Windows VM around to do stuff like Quickbooks, upgrade Mifi Firmware and occasionally check websites in IE (see our PArallels 10 review here) not to experiment with the latest versions of Redmond’s OS. Reinstall windows 10 on parallels.

But if you want to check out what’s coming down the pike in Windows-land without leaving your trusty Mac, Parallels has an Installation guide for you. First step: if you haven’t already, download Parallels 10 (free Trial)… Parallels 8 for mac on os 13.

Installation Instructions

  1. Before installing a virtual machine you need to sign up for Windows Insider Program and download Windows 10 Technical Preview, an early look at the future of Windows.
  2. Download Windows 10 Technical Preview VM shell on your Mac with Parallels Desktop 10 installed -> double-click on the archive to unzip the virtual machine shell -> move the virtual machine shell to ~/Documents/Parallels/
  3. Double-click on the Windows 10 Technical Preview VM shell.pvm file -> Parallels Desktop will ask whether you have copied or moved the virtual machine -> click Copied

    NOTE: If your Mac has 4GB of RAM, Parallels Desktop prompts to decrease an amount of RAM assigned to the virtual machine:

    Hit Don’t Change button

  4. Then the virtual machine will show you a blank Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) screen -> Go to Actions menu and Stopthe virtual machine:
  5. Go back to Actions menu -> Configure… -> Hardware tab -> CD/DVD 1 page -> Connect to: -> Choose an image file… ->locate WindowsTechnicalPreview.iso file and choose it.
  6. Launch Windows 10 Technical Preview VM shell virtual machine -> Proceed with Windows installation.
  7. When the install is finished, create a user account and access Windows 10 Technical Preview Desktop.
  8. Now, to install Parallels Tools please click on Devices tab -> CD/DVD 1 -> Connect Image… -> locate prl-tools-win.iso at:

    and connect this image to Windows 10 Technical Preview VM shell virtual machine.

  9. In the virtual machine go to This PC and double-click on DVD Drive (D:) Parallels Tools -> proceed with Parallels Tools installation.
  10. When all setups are finished, you may shutdown the virtual machine and rename it in the configuration window.
Active3 years, 5 months ago

I got an error whilst installing Windows 10 from .iso file as virtual machine via Parallels 9 on OSX 10.10 which read something like: Media driver missing. It leaves you in a loop which requires you to add the drivers. But you cannot install any cause there are no suggestions.

Now the main issue seemed that the iso wasn't on a bootable device which is what most sources say you need to do. Obviously that seemed like an unneeded step and i got the installation going. Mostly because you were already inside the installation that had been booted in the first place.

Software i use:OSX 10.10 (latest)Parallels 9 (latest updates, i know Parallels 10 is out)Windows 10 iso from http://preview.windows.comVM setup with iso from external HD (NTFS) and locally stored.

So what to do?

Parallels Desktop 14 is the most powerful solution for running Windows and Windows applications on Mac with significantly less disk, memory, and CPU usage. For more information, view the What’s New in Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac user guide. Parallels Desktop 14 for Mac Run Windows on Your Mac. Compare Editions. See Parallels Desktop in Action See some of the most popular features in Parallels Desktop 14. Full Screen View Copy and Paste Drag and Drop Swipe Gesture Launch from macOS Dock. Parallels Toolbox for Mac. Parallels desktop for mac free trial. Parallels Desktop 12 Crack 2016 Total version is a computer software created by Parallels company for mac clients to set up windows by themselves mac.

(see my answer below)

Parallels 13 activation key serial for mac torrent. Picture in Picture Outlooks Users of Parallels Desktop 13 Serial Key have been able to run unlimited VMs simultaneously & even resize VM windows in order to utilize them together.

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3 Answers

What you can do is shut down your virtual machine (close out the installation first to make sure). Go to the settings of the parallels by clicking:

-> Menubar: Virtual Machine


->Hardware tab

->CD/DVD 1 (where your image is inserted)

->Location dropdown

-> Select IDE 0:1 (instead of SATA 0:1)

-> Restart VM

Can't Install Parallels Tools For Mac Dvd Ripper


Installation will continue normally and you can start trying Windows 10 from Parallels 9 on your Mac.

I'm not sure if this works for Parallels 10 (i think so) and i'm also not sure if this will work for other (older) Windows installations. But to remove the steps required for making a bootable disk is good enough for me.

5161 gold badge5 silver badges15 bronze badges

You can tell to parallels to install it as windows xp and it will work fine. Buy parallels desktop for mac.


This issue occurs, also, when you have a MacBook Pro (10,2 or similar) without a DVD drive, while installing Windows 10 via USB.
So, during the Parallels 10 or 11 Guest setup, choose to configure using an ISO instead.


protected by CommunityApr 2 '16 at 14:28

Can't Install Parallels Tools For Mac Dvd Copy

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